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What is Root Canal Treatment and What Are Its Benefits?

This procedure aims to eliminate the bacteria present in the root cavity to prevent the spread of bacteria and protect the tooth from re-infection. The term "root canal" refers to a natural cavity within the tooth'stooth's center. In contrast, the pulp chamber refers to a soft area inside the root cavity where nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels lie.

The nerves are responsible for the teeth' sensitivity to cold or hot foodstuffs. At the same time, the blood vessels supply the necessary nutrients for the growth and development of the tooth's root. Schedule an appointment with our dental office near you for more dental services.


A well-developed tooth can survive independently even when the pulp is not in existence. This is because the tooth will continue obtaining nourishment from the tissues around it.

During the procedure, the infected pulp or nerves are eliminated from the cavity and what follows next is the cleaning of the tooth's insides and then the filling and sealing.

Why the Tooth Pulp Has to Be Gotten Rid of

When a tooth pulp or nerve tissue gets damaged, the bacteria found in the mouth colonizes the cavity and starts to multiply inside that tooth pulp chamber—the presence of bacteria and decayed debris results in an abscessed tooth.

An abscess is a pocket filled with pus that develops at the tooth'stooth's root end. It occurs when there is a spread of bacterial infection past the root's end.

Aside from the development of an abscess, root canal infection can also lead to:

  • Bone loss, especially at the root's tip
  • Swelling of the neck, face, or head
  • Drainage problems that extend outwards from the tooth'stooth's root

What Causes Damage to the Tooth'sTooth's Pulp and Nerve?

Several factors cause damage, irritation, and inflammation of a tooth's pulp and nerve. Some of them include:

  • Deep decay
  • Face trauma
  • Large fillings
  • Having frequent dental procedures performed on your tooth
  • Presence of a chip or crack in a tooth

How to Know If You Are a Candidate for the Restorative Procedure

Most people will start thinking of going for root canal therapy whenever their teeth become sensitive to cold and hot sensations. Below is a list of symptoms that may show you need to book yourself an appointment with a Vancouver dentistry for the therapy:

  • Severe pain when biting or chewing
  • The appearance of pimples on your gums
  • Having a cracked or chipped tooth
  • Swollen gums
  • Lingering tooth sensitivity
  • Darkening of your gums
  • A badly decayed tooth

Procedures Involved in Root Canal Therapy

There is a reputation of a root canal being a painful experience that makes most people afraid of therapeutic practice. Most people do not know that there is a big difference between how the procedure was performed in the past and how it is carried out in the present day.

Due to the development of technology and the advancement in medicine in today's world, the procedure done today is less painful and has more chances of success. Research shows that the treatment has a success rate of 95% and above.


An endodontist or a dentist in little rock, ar, is the one to conduct this procedure that requires at least two visits to the dentist's office. An endodontist is a dental professional who has specialized in the diagnosis, causes, treatment, and prevention of injuries and diseases that affect the nerve or dental pulp of a human tooth. Your dentist will advise you on whom might be suited best to carry out the work according to the severity of your case.


During your visit to the endodontist, an x-ray will be taken to show the tooth's radiograph. A local anesthetic will then be administered to numb the tooth. A small access hole is drilled to access the pulp cavity to clean and disinfect it.


Afterward, a material known as gutta-percha is used to temporarily fill the cavity until your next visit, where a dental crown will be placed on your tooth. The crown restores the full function of the tooth and also protects it.Book an appointment with dentist 30253 for root canal therapy and other dental services.


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