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What are the causes of periodontal disease and how to treat it?

Periodontal disease is a severe infection of your gums and tissues surrounding the tooth. It is a leading cause of tooth loss in the United States and worldwide. The funniest part is people invite periodontal disease into their mouths by ignoring visible symptoms, perhaps with the belief they can contact a periodontal dentist near them to have the condition treated quickly.

Periodontal disease is entirely preventable if people care for their teeth and gums by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing at least once, and visiting dentist in San Josa, CA every six months for cleanings and exams. Adopting an excellent oral hygiene routine and visiting dentists for routine checkups can keep people from seeking a periodontal disease cure because they would have prevented the infection from affecting them. However, once the periodontal disease progresses, options before people are limited and bring upon them the need to stringently follow an oral hygiene routine and perhaps visit their dentist frequently for exams and cleanings.

What Are The Initial Indications of Periodontal Disease?

A potential precursor of gum disease is gingivitis, a bacterial infection of the tissues in the mouth. The progress of gum disease causes the gums to recede and even expose the tooth root. People may feel sensitivity in their teeth and may notice pockets forming between the teeth and gums.

The bone recession also occurs but is not visible to the naked eye. However, when it is left untreated, the recession contributes to tooth loss. Therefore it is incredibly essential to visit best dental clinic near you for professional exams and dental cleanings to identify gum disease.

Patients affected by the problem can look for the following signs and symptoms which indicate the presence of gum disease in their mouths:

  • People have bleeding gums and brushing and flossing their teeth.
  • Besides lousy breath, people may suffer from sensitive, swollen, and red gums.
  • People may have loose teeth that appear to have shifted.

The Causes of Periodontal Disease

  • Improper oral hygiene is the primary cause of periodontal disease. When people don’t remove plaque from their teeth following excellent dental hygiene practices and getting six-monthly dental cleanings, they allow bacteria to accumulate to cause gingivitis, which eventually results in periodontal disease.
  • Medical conditions that severely affect the ability of the body to produce sugar also contribute to periodontal disease.
  • Organic changes in the mouth due to metabolism or hormone levels during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause can affect the mouth to cause periodontal disease.
  • Clenching and grinding of the teeth can impair the surrounding tissue making it a possible contributor to the gums’ issues.

How to Treat Periodontal Disease?

Many periodontal disease treatments are available for people affected by periodontal disease. Every therapy varies according to the severity of the condition affecting the patient. To determine the treatment best suited for the patient’s needs, the dental professionals perform a dental evaluation to determine whether plaque is removed every day by the patient.

Tartar, which is the hardened form of plaque, cannot be removed by brushing and flossing and requiring a dentist’s attention. Tartar is removed by performing a professional deep cleaning with procedures like scaling and root planing. The dentist administers antibiotics to eliminate bacteria accumulated in the pocket areas of the gum. They recommend a medicated mouthwash for use daily as a regular part of the patient’s home regimen.

Patients with advanced periodontal disease need intensive treatments like tissue regeneration and pocket elimination surgery. Advances in technology allow dentists to use laser therapy to reduce the size of the pockets.

Periodontal disease is a common problem affecting a significant portion of the population, which for some reason or the other, ignores the signs of gingivitis to allow the condition to progress into an advanced stage. It would be helpful if people stopped believing a cure for periodontal disease is available, and therefore they can continue ignoring their dental health.

People would, however, think differently if they considered how much periodontal disease cure could cost them by searching for the expenditure involved. They will be shocked to learn the treatment can cost as low as $ 500 or even grow in proportion to $ 10,000, depending on how severe the infection is. The figures are undoubtedly significant to make people believe they would be better off preventing periodontal disease altogether by maintaining appropriate oral hygiene and visiting their dentist in Cupertino every six months for exams and cleanings.


  1. Although periodontitis is usually preventable. Poor dental hygiene is the main cause. Brushing twice a day and getting regular dental checkups can improve the chances of successful treatment for periodontitis and can also reduce your chance of developing it. Pediatric Dentist Cayman Islands can treat your dental issue to improve your smile.


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