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Benefits of Choosing Clear Aligners to Improve Your Smile

An aligner is a transparent, plastic dental device that is designed to perfectly fit your teeth and correct the alignment by shifting them into the correct position. They are made in a series that is changed every two weeks. When your teeth have been slightly moved, the next aligner moves them further until the series is done.

Clear aligners are indicated for teeth that are moderately spaced. They not only improve your smile but also protects the future health of your teeth. Dentists in New Britain provide a wide range of dental services that are suitable for you.

Everyone wants to smile, but you may have difficulty due to the alignment of your teeth that lowers your self-esteem. Cosmetic dentistry is crucial in maintaining a healthy smile since it focuses on the color, position, and general look of your smile.

Clear Aligner for teeth

Advantages of Clear Aligners

They can be removed anytime, especially when you need to brush your teeth or eat. It makes teeth cleaning easier because food that has stuck is thoroughly removed.

Food taken is less likely to be trapped in between teeth with aligners, therefore lowers the risk of bacteria that would cause tooth decay.

It takes a short time approximately 6-12 months for your teeth to be straight. You need to see your dentist on every appointment to check on your progress and ensure the results are as desired.

They are smooth hence comfortable because they do not have braces that can irritate your lips and tongue.

You can see the progress of your teeth since they are clear. This improves your appearance even before the final result.

The aligners are invisible; therefore, no one can notice you have them on your teeth unless they look closely. This allows teenagers to fit in their group because it boosts their self-esteem. For adults, they can continue with their normal way of life at the workplace or home with confidence

It is custom made hence perfectly fitting. This means that you will be able to get your correct size depending on the measurements taken.

Disadvantages of Clear Aligners

The fact that they can easily be removed may make them ineffective if you don't wear them for the time recommended.

It is uncomfortable for the first few days and may interfere with your speech. However, you will get used to them with time.


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