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Comfort Care Dentistry- Best Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment, which is also called endodontics, is a set of specialized procedures designed to treat the soft pulp tissue's problems inside the tooth. While many people believe and consider it as an unusually painful treatment, in most cases, the procedure is just like getting a filling done. It's one of the most effective ways of relieving some kinds of tooth pain.

When does the person need a root canal treatment?
The dentist or endodontic specialist in Calgary, AB, at Comfort Care Dentistry will diagnose the tooth problem, telling the patient when they need root canal treatment. But there is some signs point to a problem that may require this procedure:

- Broken tooth after injury or genetics
- Serious tooth decay
- Issues from a previous filling
- Tooth sensitivity to cold and hot
- Severe pain when chewing or biting
- Pimples on the gums
- Swelling or Darkening of gums

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Procedure
During the root canal treatment, toxins, bacteria, damaged nerve tissue, and debris are removed from an infected tooth. This helps to clean out the tooth and avoid any infection. Once the tooth has been completely cleaned, it is filled and sealed in order to avoid a reoccurrence of bacterial infection and growth. In a few cases, a crown is used to strengthen the remaining tooth.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is quite painless and often leaves the patient with less discomfort during recovery than if one has had a natural tooth extracted. Patients who go through root canals are six times more likely to describe it as painless than patients who have a tooth extracted, all thanks to modern techniques and adequate anesthesia. 

Most people fear root canal treatment in general because the root canal procedure is less standard than a dental filling. But there is absolutely nothing to fear, especially under the expert care of the dental professionals and endodontists in SW Calgary at Comfort Care Dentistry. One can call anytime to schedule their dental appointment and find out why people love to come back to Comfort Care Dentistry for any dental issues. 


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