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What Are The Common Dental Emergencies?

Identifying the most common dental emergencies that affect people will be difficult because most don’t understand the difference between a common problem and a dental emergency. People experiencing pain when biting down should consider it as a dental emergency because they could either have a cracked tooth or even an abscess.

Nothing is worse than realizing something does not feel right in your mouth because you don’t have the expertise to examine it yourself. You can, however, utilize some home remedies to alleviate the problems in some cases, but in others, you should be contacting the dentist as soon as possible.

If you have a knocked-out tooth, it is time for you to contact emergency dental care, but first, you must pick up the tooth without touching the roots and cleaning it without any scrubbing. If possible, attempt to place the tooth back in its socket, but if for any reason you can’t do so, put the tooth in a container of milk and take it with you to the dentist. You need to keep the tooth moist and reach your dentist within 30 minutes to have it reinserted back into the socket.

Dental Emergency

All dental emergencies will cause pain and discomfort, which can, in most cases, be handled with at-home remedies. You can use an ice pack on your cheeks to reduce swelling or take over-the-counter pain medications that will easily be available. However, in many cases, you have the option of contacting your regular dentist within a week of developing the pain. It doesn’t mean you can delay the treatment if your dentist is available to see you.

Mouth sores are also a common dental problem that is often misunderstood. Sores in the mouth are an indication of gum disease that would have developed because of improper oral hygiene. The condition is not life-threatening but certainly needs attention from Cupertino Family Dental that can provide you treatment for gingivitis or periodontitis if the condition has progressed to an advanced stage.

Abscessed gums also require treatment from an emergency dentist. Dental abscesses do not appear as an emergency but are an indication of an infection in the teeth and gums. In many cases, dental abscesses result in root canal treatments or extractions, and therefore, a visit to the dentist will become essential. It must be remembered that the abscess must not be popped but should be left by itself until you can visit the dentist. You can, however, continue brushing and flossing and avoid making any changes to your oral hygiene routine.

You must understand that permanent teeth cannot be replaced unless you choose to have dental implants in your mouth. Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and visiting your dentist every six months are the best ways to prevent dental emergencies from occurring.


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