Different types of dental emergencies can affect you, with some being more urgent than the rest. It would help if you remembered it is crucial to act in haste but not in a panic. The timeliness of your actions during a dental emergency will have a bearing on the outcome. Dental emergencies can occur to your mouth, jaw, gums, soft tissue, and teeth. The actions you take are specific to the situation you face. Regardless of your status, contacting the dentist near Smithfield, Utah , is an essential requirement. If you have a knocked-out tooth from a forceful impact playing sports or an accident, the situation is considered urgent by most dentists. You need to hold the tooth by the crown and rinse it in water without agitating the roots. Preserve the tooth in a cup of milk and head to the dentist in Smithfield, trying to reach the dental office within 30 to 60 minutes. Remember, panicking will not help you, but contacting your dentist undoubtedly will. You may be concerned about ...